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A member registered May 29, 2023

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Obs seems to dislike this game for some reason
(1 edit)

It could just be the ghoul in the church caves doing it ill test it again while getting a recording so its easier to explain and possibly fix (got the vid just uploading it now)

I found out that if you use a firecracker while fighting a ghoul the battle will end and begin again.

My dungeon comment was just if you have leftover points and try to exit you would have one more chance to trade in the points while leaving.

I have 2 problems with some of the possible changes the first one being the npc schedules. I feel like having the npc's being in the random but set locations makes them feel a lot more human than the same old schedule. Secondly the dungeon chests I love the idea however giving an additional point shop screen for your points would make the game a little bit more user friendly. Otherwise I feel like these changes are amazing.